Wednesday 21 January 2015

The pains of living online.

So the London Art Fair has begun and, oh how I wish I could go. There are so many amazing pieces there and viewing them secondhand via photographs rarely does them justice. One of the artists I am particularly wishing to see is one Paul Gayler, who has some pieces up at the Abbey Walk Gallery. I didn't even know about this person until recently but their art is breathtaking; I'd honestly thought it was a photomanip when I first saw their stuff.

Look! Look at it! Aaaah!

Turns out it was oil on canvas! What's more, ALL of the pieces are like this. They have a wonderful play of light and dark contrast, color and monochrome, and all with that inherent glowing softness that naturally comes with oil paints. The mix of things in the works itself is almost like an artistic interpretation of a modern art gallery (or perhaps Lost Angles for cartoon fans). They're chaotic yet harmonious and the attention to detail is very impressive, like it's alive. It's hard to see it anywhere other than a gallery, or perhaps on some rich connoisseur's wall somewhere in the fancier part of town.

It's disappointing, then, that it's hard to find much of the artist online. There seem to be entries here and there, as well as other sites and people praising his work (ahem), but it seems as though he's firmly in the realm of the physical. If he does have a profile somewhere, I hope to find it someday and you can fully expect that I will gleefully devour any content the artist shares. For you lucky folk who get to see his work in the flesh, savor it!

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