Wednesday 14 January 2015

I do so enjoy procrastination!

You know, I have wanted to do something like this blog for the longest time, but only actually acted upon the urge recently. I'd decided what I wanted to do upon the creation of my Tumblr but procrastination took hold once again. Finally getting off of my lazy butt, my Google+ account and this blog are all up and running! Thank goodness for queues.

"But what is this blog?" you ask? A means to spread content! I make things (albeit slowly and in the laziest way imaginable) and know what a pain it can be to get your name out there. Since I love art and such and do care about the community, I thought to myself, "Why not make a promotional space? Then lots of people would benefit!" Best of all, I'm doing this for fun. Promotion that doesn't cost a dime. It's completely free!

Of course, there will also be my own nonsense here, from creations to ramblings, so it won't be all promotions all the time. Just most of the time. I'm hoping to post at least 1 other content creator per day, as well as entertain with an occasional online song-and-dance for you all. I'll be sure to wear my most dapper hat.

That said, all art I post will include the artist's name and/or username, as well as a link to their art galleries. Any games or game content will have the creators' names (/team name) included, and a link to either the game itself or the game's site, depending on the circumstances. If ANY content creators object to their work being displayed here, I urge them to contact me; if all checks out, it will be removed. On the other hand, if you'd like your work displayed here, let me know! I love seeing new artists, designers, and all you creative people out there. I refill the queue weekly, so you may not see your suggestion right away but if I say it'll be displayed, it shall be so!

So here's hoping the blog takes off! The more interest it gets, the more people will see your content, the more cool stuff you will get to see, and the more effective of a boost it will be for creators having trouble getting some attention. If you are interested, I can also be found on Twitter at where I retweet art and other things. I also follow back!


  1. Haha, we sound so similar. We've beaten procrastination for now, let's not relapse! :D
    Your raven looks like it likes to play jokes on visitors.
    I'm a bit curious about your background/interests/plan for the blog: is this blog going to promote anything art related, or do you have specific artists you like (e.g. videogame concept artists)? Going to post looong articles too or mainly short link/image blurbs? And is art a hobby or a passion for you? :D

    - Iris
    (pst, typo: "fallow" -> "follow")

    1. (Whoops! Fixed, thanks!)

      I suppose art is both a hobby and a passion for me. Though I do create my own art, I seem to revel in the medium in general much more. As for the blog, it's a mix; digital art, games, photography, film and videos, sculpture, even literature! People work hard on the things they create. I want to give back to the community and show some love by helping give them a boost, as well as information.

      The content is also a mix. Some will be image posts, since when it comes to another's work it's often best to let it speak for itself. However, I will also have text posts and updates ranging from site links and event notices to critiques and interest posts. If I find something interesting to write a long article about, I will certainly do it!
